Takashi Hinoda
This website introduces an artist,Takashi Hinoda who works in Hands on Visionamusement..
This website introduces an artist,Takashi Hinoda who works in Hands on Visionamusement..
A statue made in ceramics, giving a sense of immutable materiality, is painted with motifs in a two-dimensional manner. It was made with the hope that, by causing two elements to intersect, the viewer will feel human life in the space between reality and imagination.
What meaning is there in the ways we spend our time in the present day, seeking convenience and rushing onward without direction? Depicted on the reverse side of the work are empty bottles and containers, bags filled with garbage, and figures nodding or lying down for lack of energy, all of which are scenes of a consumer society that can be likened to an empty shell rolling aimlessly.
Slowing to a stop and sitting in the shape of a hieroglyphic mountain, the imposing figure forms part of the landscape as it gazes into the distance. This sight may well be a point of contact with a different quality of time that has a richness distinct from that of the everyday.
A Person Standing Still is a unique work that combines the tradition of ceramics with the lines and colors found in manga and anime, which have become a part of Japanese culture.
この作品は、2020年から2023年にかけて滋賀県 陶芸の森のレジデンスプログラムで制作された。 最初の習作は全て一体で成形、焼成されたが、無数の亀裂が発生したために破棄された。続く本作品は最初6つの部分に分けて成形、焼成され、そのあと釉薬を接着剤として用い、接合された。そののち、さらに陶芸用の顔料、化粧土、釉薬などを吹き付け、彩色したのち、再度焼成された。ステンレスの台座を含めると、総重量は約800kgにおよび、ONOMICHI U2(広島県尾道市)のオリーブ広場にはラフタークレーンを使って搬入された。
This work was created as a residency program at the Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park in Shiga-prefecture from 2020 to 2023. The first study was all molded and fired in one piece, but was discarded due to numerous cracks. The following work was first molded and fired in six parts, which were then glued together using glaze as an adhesive. After that, it was further sprayed with pottery pigments, engobe, glaze, etc., and then fired again. The total weight, including the stainless steel pedestal, is about 800 kg, and it was brought to Olive Plaza of ONOMICHI U2,Onomichi-city in Hirosima-prefecture using a rough terrain crane.